It's been going on for week after week for the last month or more and it's frozen commerce, transportation, retail sales, and just about everything except snow blower and winter glove sales.
No doubt it's also frozen your local business scene. Stores closed, no one shopping for cars, people venturing out only for the essentials - and business is down on the retail level a lot. Look at this CNBC report on the impact from all the Winter we've experienced on the economy here. They claim it's above 15 billion and it's just Valentines Day.
This Winter is truly causing an Economic Apocalypse and the business' you call on are not going to have the revenue they expected for 1st quarter. In fact they'd just like the parking lot cleared and the consumers to be able to get out of their driveways to stop by.
Now keep in mind that the economy is not in a big slump. For many households they are earning more and their economy is recovering at a stronger clip than we've had for the last 5+ years since the big recession of 2008 hit. Jobs have returned, car sales were at a record pace before the Winter Mayhem, the housing market is recovering. All signs were pointing to a healthy 1st quarter and your stock portfolio is probably looking pretty healthy. The reality is that we have the money and the income but we can't get out of the driveway.
The good news is that in the next couple of weeks the temps are returning to more normal levels, Spring is only 5 weeks away and soon we'll be complaining about the heat. This will pass.
The opportunity is that we've been in our CAVES for 8 weeks or more now. Barely able to get out to get for Milk. The pent up demand for this Spring has HUGE potential. The timing is PERFECT for any business to pounce on the warming temps and snow melting and feed off this pent up demand. The key question we have to ask our clients is - are you ready for the GOLD RUSH of 2014? We happen to have a very strong audience and we can turn your message around quicker than anyone else and still reach the whole market. Radio has THE STORY and THE ANSWER here.
Now is the time to put together your 'Good Bye Winter from Hell' package. Create creative examples of sales campaigns your clients can tap into. Put together effective packages with great coverage in key dayparts. Get your advertisers all set to make the most of the avalanche of customers, revenue and business just ahead. Maybe pass out some cheap sunglasses as you present the packages.
Just don't spend too much time brainstorming and get it out there before everything thaws.
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